Pet Dental Procedures
Dog and cat teeth cleanings are done under general anesthesia to fully examine the entire mouth and to allow a thorough cleaning and evaluation of the teeth. We offer affordable dental cleanings and if necessary, tooth extractions to maintain the oral health of your pet.

*A non-refundable $50 deposit is required at the time of scheduling. The deposit will be applied to the cost of services received.
Dental cleaning level 1 $370: Includes pre anesthetic exam, general anesthesia, pre anesthetic bloodwork, anesthesia monitoring, IV catheter, complete oral exam, and teeth cleaning. Best for young pets 1-3 years old with minimal tartar, or pets that have been getting their teeth cleaned yearly and need a routine cleaning.
Dental cleaning level 2 $520: Includes dental cleaning level 1, full mouth dental radiographs, up to 2 non-complicated/simple teeth extractions, and pain medications to go home. If your pet has mild tartar and this is their first teeth cleaning, then level 2 would be best suited for your pet.
Dental cleaning level 3 $720: Includes dental cleaning level 1, full mouth dental radiographs, 3 or more non-complicated/simple teeth extractions, and pain medications to go home. If your pet has moderate tartar buildup and gingivitis, then level 3 would be best suited for your pet.
Dental cleaning level 4 $870: Includes dental cleaning level 1, full mouth dental radiographs, plus 2 or more complicated teeth extractions, and pain medications to go home. If your pet has significant tartar buildup and gingivitis, foul mouth odor, or they are over the age of 5 and this is their first dental cleaning, then level 4 would be best for your pet.
Unsure which dental level to choose? Just give us a call! We can help you decide. When in doubt, you can choose a higher level and if we determine that your pet does not need as many extractions as you thought, we can decrease to a lower level the day of the appointment.
*If your pet needs multiple complicated extractions, it may be necessary to perform two separate dental procedures for the safety and recovery of your pet.
*If your pet is found on physical examination or bloodwork to have any health abnormalities that would classify them as high risk for anesthesia, they will not be eligible for surgery/dental cleaning. These abnormalities include but are not limited to over or under weight, heart murmur/heart disease, underlying kidney or liver disease, etc.
*If you pet is found upon physical examination to have a potentially contagious infection, for the safety of all patients in the hospital, your surgical procedure will be rescheduled until the infection has been treated. This includes but is not limited to skin infections, upper respiratory infection etc.